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Saturday, 24 December 2011

Key Idea of project initiation

The Key Ideas of project initiation which mention from Pak Romi Satria when he trained System Analysis and Design are :image

  • When do projects begin?

When someone sees an opportunity to create business value from using information technology

  • New systems usually originate from some business need
  • Understanding technology is secondary to understanding the business
  • Project is a set of activities with a starting point and ending point meant to create a system that brings value to the business
  • Feasibility analysis is used to aid in the decision of whether or not to proceed with the project
  • 1.Technical feasibility

    2.Economic feasibility

    3.Organizational feasibility

  • The project sponsor is a key person proposing the new system
  • Who should be the project sponsor?
  • The approval committee reviews many proposals
  • They decide which ones to commit to developing

Monday, 19 December 2011

Successfully troubleshoot classipress template to load image preview

After I done update my classipress template from – , all the ads had been made before cannot be open.

I edited the img-resize.php on old version, the images still cannot be loaded.

upgrade the template to version classipress and then change permalink to month/year.. its successfully run..


I change  it back again to my original permalink, and the page still work..


Now its done..

see my Classipress wordpress here…


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