Check this out

Wednesday 29 June 2011

My List WP Plugin

wordpress-plugin-2I have used these all wordpress plugin on my websites. These plugins are very helpful for me to improve my wordpress based website.  if this list is not on your plugin, you'd better try one.

  • Ad Injection : Injects any advert (e.g. AdSense) into your WordPress posts or widget area. Restrict who sees the ads by post length, age, referrer or IP. Cache compatible.
  • All in One SEO Pack : Out-of-the-box SEO for your Wordpress blog
  • Amazon Product Ads : A multi-instance WP widget that displays Amazon UK/US Self Optimizing Ads or if a post contains a custom field ASIN or ISBN it will display a buy from Amazon product link.
  • Amazon Product In a Post Plugin : Quickly add a formatted Amazon Product (image, pricing and buy button, etc.) to a post by using just the Amazon product ASIN (ISBN-10). Great for writing product reviews or descriptions to help monetize your posts and add content that is relevant to your site. You can also customize the styles for the product data. Remember to add your Amazon Affiliate ID on the options page or all sales credit will go to the plugin creator by default.
  • Breadcrumb NavXT : Adds a breadcrumb navigation showing the visitor's path to their current location.
  • Daily Top 10 Posts : Tracks the number of pageviews per blog post for the current day and cumulatively with options to display sidebar widgets for both. Features dashboard widgets too.
  • Google Adsense Dashboard : A simple plugin to display your Adsense earnings on your Wordpress Dashboard.
  • Google XML Sitemaps : This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and to better index your blog.
  • Hello Dolly : This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the hope and enthusiasm of an entire generation summed up in two words sung most famously by Louis Armstrong: Hello, Dolly. When activated you will randomly see a lyric from Hello, Dolly in the upper right of your admin screen on every page
  • SB Welcome Email Editor :  Allows you to change the wordpress welcome email for both admin and standard members.
  • Sociable : Automatically add links on your posts, pages and RSS feed to your favorite social bookmarking sites
  • Strictly Auto Tags : This plugin automatically detects tags to place against posts using existing tags as well as a simple formula that detects common tag formats such as Acronyms, names and countries. Whereas other smart tag plugins only detect a single occurance of a tag within a post this plugin will search for the most used tags within the content so that only the most relevant tags get added.
  • User Photo : Allows users to associate photos with their accounts by accessing their "Your Profile" page. Uploaded images are resized to fit the dimensions specified on the options page; a thumbnail image is also generated. New template tags introduced are: userphoto_the_author_photo, userphoto_the_author_thumbnail, userphoto_comment_author_photo, and userphoto_comment_author_thumbnail. Uploaded images may be moderated by administrators.
  • WP-EMail : Allows people to recommand/send your WordPress blog's post/page to a friend.
  • WP-PageNavi  : Adds a more advanced paging navigation to your WordPress blog
  • WP-Print : Displays a printable version of your WordPress blog's post/page
  • WP125 : Easily manage 125x125 ads within your WordPress Dashboard.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

insert flash to your windows live writer

You can put flash file to your blog using windows live writer and its plugin called insert-flash

below is the link to download the plugin :

Simple banner creator online using banner break

To create online banner, I recommend you to use one of my favorite banner maker tools like banner break. banner break is very simple with hundreds templates that we can use.

1. pick your template

2. edit your text, font, color, etc.

3. download it.


or you can make some flash banner on

My page Rank is 2

I just see my google page rank is increase to 2. I really feel happy for this. Google PageRank is th world’s leading search engine. it measure link popularity for blogs or any other website like my blog and my shopping directory website. there are some criteria that google use as algorithm to calculate the page rank, for example Google Page rank is based on backlinks. there so many ways you can find to increase your google page rank, maybe you can left comment on other blog you read.


Sunday 19 June 2011

Quote of Monday

Risk IT

The person who risk nothing, does nothing.

Has nothing is nothing.

They may avoid suffering and sorrow. But they simply cannot learn, feel, change or grow, love or live.

To love is to risk not being love in return.

To live is to risk dying

To hope is to risk despair.

To try is to risk failure.

Friday 17 June 2011

How TO Change Or Join Win 2k8 to appropirate workgroup or domain

My Friend just asked me how to change domain in Windows Server 2008 R2.

To change your server or to join it to the appropriate workgroup or domain. Click on Provide computer name and domain, as you can see the machine has a long name, lets change it to something meaningful. Under the Computer Name tab, click on the Change button, and give your computer a meaningful name.


Ok, lets start it step by step, by default it is joined to a workgroup called workgroup, if you want to change the workgroup name, write a new name, then click OK.

if you want to join it to a domain, enable the radio button  beside Domain, and then write the domain name, then click OK. For the time being I will not join it to a domain, as I want to set this server my Domain Controller future article. Once you click the OK button you will receive a message that the computer must be restarted, close the system properties page, then click on Restart Now to apply the changes.



See you on next article..


Thursday 16 June 2011

everyday is blogging

blog start at night until late. Saturday till Friday. Blogging everyday, everyday is fun. blog about moments, now – yesterday and tomorrow.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

EastNets SIDE now Support SWIFT Release 7

1. System Requirements en. SIDE Reporting 2.5

Aplikasi En.Reporting meng-copy semua pesan (messages) dari SWIFT Alliance Access ke dalam relational database secara real-time. Dengan menyimpan pesan-pesan (messages) kedalam database standar (SQL Server atau Oracle), maka ini memungkinkan untuk melihat kembali message yang ada yang sudah tersimpan sejak lama ( dari bulan atau tahun –tahun sebelumnya yang tersimpan di dalam database en.Reporting)

clip_image001En.Reporting dapat memproduksi sejumlah laporan rinci berdasarkan data harian, bulanan atau tahunan. Hal ini bisa dicapai dengan laporan standar yang disediakan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak yang dapat digunakan untuk pengambilan data. Selain itu, struktur database terbuka dan terdokumentasi, aplikasi eksternal dapat di integrasikan ke up-to-date data SWIFT tanpa harus menerapkan mekanisme ekspor-impor.
En.Reporting 2.5 merupakan rilis terakhir yang dikeluarkan yang juga sudah mendukung untuk digunakan dengan SWIFT Alliance Access versi 7.0.

SWIFT Alliance Access Version

SAA 7.0, SAA 6.3,6.2,6.0

Processor Type

Operating System

Release level

Maintenance level


/32- bit

Windows Server 2008 R2 / Windows Server 2003

Standard and enterprise edition




V 5.3 or 6.1

TL04 SP3




HW 10/09

Data Base

MS SQL 2005 sp3 / 2008

Oracle 10.2 / 11.1

Database Sizing

Perkiraan untuk ukuran basis data jika terdapat 50.000 msg / hari, dan disimpan didalam database en.Reporting selama satu minggu, maka diakhir minggu data yang ada akan berjumlah 250.000 msg akan membutuhkan kurang lebih sebesar 2.5 GB disk space.

2. System Requirements en. SIDE DDA 3.0

En.Duplicate Detection (DDA) adalah sebuah add-on produk yang terintegrasi dengan SWIFTAlliance.

Tujuan dari produk ini adalah untuk mencegah kemungkinan pengiriman pesan (messages) yang sama (duplikat) dan pengolahan pesan duplikat yang masuk. DDA menggunakan algoritma berdasarkan UUMID pada pesan dan isi blok teks untuk menentukan bahwa pesan adalah sama (duplikat) dengan pesan yang ada sebelumnya pada jangka waktu yang telah ditentukan. Algoritma pemeriksaan dapat dikonfigurasi sehingga memungkinkan pengguna untuk menentukan tipe pesan yang harus diperiksa dan elemen blok teks yang akan diperiksa untuk mendeteksi pesan yang duplikat.

En.DDA 3.0 adalah rilis terbaru yang dikeluarkan. Rilis ini memperbaik dari rilis sebelumnya 2.4.1 dan menambahkan beberapa fitur baru untuk meningkatkan fungsional dari produk.

en.DDA 3.0 memperkenalkan fitur-fitur baru dan perbaikan produk seperti:

• Kompatibilitas dengan SWIFT Alliance Akses 7,0

• Full Duplicate untuk memeriksa pesan MX yang dikirim / diterima oleh BICs yang berlisensi di dalam DDA

• Mendukung Konfigurasi Multi Duplicate untuk pesan FIN yang diterima / dikirim oleh BICs yang berlisensi

• Kekurangan yang dikoreksi dari rilis sebelumnya juga disertakan pada rilis ini.

SWIFT Alliance Access Version

SAA 7.0, SAA 6.3,6.2,6.0

Processor Type

Operating System

Release level

Maintenance level


/32- bit

Windows Server 2008 R2 / Windows Server 2003

Standard and enterprise edition




V 5.3 or 6.1

TL04 SP3




HW 10/09

Data Base

MS SQL 2000 / 2005 sp3 / 2008

Oracle 10.2 / 11.1

Database Sizing

Pada table dibawah ini menampilkan perkiraan untuk menentukan ukuran database dari en.DDA, dengan semua text block field di konfigurasi ke dalam algoritma permeriksaan.

Daily Traffic

Retention Period

Estimated database size

1000 messages

6 months

360 MB

4000 messages

3 months

720 MB

20.000 messages

1 month

1.2 GB

50.000 messages

14 days

1 GB

3. System Requirements en. SIDE Safewatch Filtering 3.2.2

En.SafeWatch Filtering memungkinkan pemeriksaan Anti-Money Laundering (AML) secara otomatis pada alir transaksi financial yang menyeluruh, terlepas dari sumber dan aliran data. Melalui system yang sepenuhnya dapat dikonfigurasi dan merupakan solusi untuk skala perusahaan serta memperkuat kepatuhan Anda terhadap pemenuhan AML.

SafeWatch Filtering 3.2.2 adalah patch dari SafeWatch Filtering rilis 3.2.x. Terdapat beberapa koreksi dari rilis 3.2.x sebelumnya. Rilis ini terdapat dua fitur baru : SMTP Authentication dan mendukung Windows 64 bits.

SWIFT Alliance Access Version

SAA 7.0, SAA 6.3,6.2,6.0

Processor Type

Operating System

Release level

Maintenance level


/32- bit

Windows Server 2000/ Windows Server 2003

Standard and enterprise edition




5.3 or higher




8 or higher


Data Base

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3 / 2005 SP2 and SP3

Oracle 9i / 10.2

Note : Versi 3.3 yang akan datang akan mendukung integrasi dengan SAA7.

Database Sizing

Disk space yang dibutuhkan tergantung dari jumlah scan yang dilakukan oleh server

Scan volume

Database disk space


2 GB


10 GB


>40 GB

Monday 13 June 2011

Giving up isn't always the best solution

Blogging is supposed to be enjoyable. This means that all the frustration and misery you go through while blogging isn't required for your success. It means that the minute you hate blogging, quit.

Blogging takes time. Everyone including my girl  complains about the lack of time. Every task related to blogging seems to take forever if you don't know how to manage your time. Note to self: what about that schedule you were talking about?

love its-berryBlogging strictly for money is dull, dull dull, I imagine. But like others, I'm keeping my blog as a hobby! :)

Blogging is fun, but sometimes you just need a break! It's no fun when you work yourself to death over a single article—and while I love writing, sometimes it can get tiring.

Blogging is so much more than writing! And that's what I have trouble with too, because there are so many aspects of blogging and it's hard for me to focus on all of them. But, as the saying goes, practice makes perfect. I think the same goes for blogging

Thursday 9 June 2011

Blogging is hard, so get used to it!

First of all, I want to make a statement here “ Blogging is too hard. I give up.”

Of course blogging is hard. I'm not going to say it's not, because that wouldn't be true.

No, I'm not thinking of quitting! There have been times when the thought has passed through my mind, but it's never come further than that. I really enjoy blogging, but I've made it harder for myself by working myself to death over a single project.

You want to know something? I search Template its-berry with the idea that I could make some money off of it, but as time passed, I realized I would have more fun keeping it as a hobby, instead of some sort of business to make myself miserable over.

bloggerI don't think there's anything wrong with making money with a blog, and who knows? I may decide to sell ads or something eventually. But remember, I enjoy blogging. You enjoy blogging, right? Just imagine if you didn't. It would probably make things unbearable, and you wouldn't be able to write with the same passion.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

ClassiPress 3 Wordpress Theme Free Download

Theme ClassiPress 3 ini sangat cocok bagi anda yang ingin membuat website yang memungkinkan para pengunjung untuk memasarkan produk mereka melalui iklan di website Anda.

classipressDengan berbagai pilihan warna, ClassiPress sangat mudah untuk digunakan dan sudah mempunyai plugin yang sangat featuristik. Anda dapat melihat Official Theme nya di website ClassiPress langsung disini :

Demo untuk Theme ClassiPress dapat dilihat pada contoh website dibawah ini :

Untuk mendownload theme ClassiPress 3 Gratis Anda bisa men-download disini.

Google Code to get Website traffic

Just remember my google code where I save my code and put it in the template for wordpress or blgspot which is the only purpose is to get free website traffic.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Banks for a Better World

This is probably the most important blog post I wrote since the start of my blog in April 2009. It's about a "big bad idea" that started simmering in December 2010. The idea is about creating a non-profit fund of 1 Billion dollar for a better world.

And I started talking about it at almost every encounter. People love it. Everybody I talked about it gets sparkles in their eyes and gets excited. Nobody thinks it’s a bad idea. You know you have a good idea when suddenly everybody wants to own and run with it. This is such an idea.

Peter Vander Auwera

Isn’t social just a marketing thing?

One of the questions that came up in my mind is that Social Media is great, but what’s it go to do with this ?

Prepare to repel all borders! Says Captain Jack Sparrow

clearnetClearnet are evidently repelling all borders with a number of unknown organisations (but we can make a very good calculated guess at who they are) pitching to buy the Clearing House. This is a sensitive time for the securities industry as changes of a violent storm magnitude are destabilising the markets and making it difficult for financial services firms to plan or understand what they should be doing in the short to medium term. No pirating of the Clearing house should be allowed and it’s important that Governments make it clear that shanghaiing any clearing house is unacceptable.

Pressure is mounting from Investors, Governments and Regulators to have a cheaper and risk reduced European market in as short a time as possible. However, the EU securities landscape is made up of a series of vertical silos, evolved over centuries.

Business relationships are cemented with technical linkages and there are no end of commercial firms making some serious profit out of fragmentation in the markets.

Banks are not losing revenue or profit, as it is the end investor that foots the bill but it is detrimental to the EU in attracting international investment and trade, by maintaining such an expensive and inefficient set up.
LCH.Clearnet finds itself as an attractive proposition for many international firms looking to create a monopolistic silo and is a valuable jewel in the treasure chest beginning to emerge. It’s important that LCH.Clearnet is protected by the industry and Government due its pivotal role in the future, of establishing a more efficient clearing and settlement structure in the EU.

Other Clearing Houses, those independent and those affiliated to Stock Exchanges must also be protected until a firm decision is made on the EU Clearing House structure and a legally deliverable plan is made to establish a consolidation process where the survival of the fittest determines who wins. And like Jack Sparrow, other pirates or carpetbaggers should be repelled at all costs.

Gary Wright .

Monday 6 June 2011

i failed in an SWIFT exam,but my friend failed also.

I think I'm not ready for this, I haven't learned maximum. But wednesday was the exam .. I  failed the exam ... Oh God please Help me. hopefully during the next exam later I can do it well . give me confidence, hope I get a good results and doesn't disappoint.. Aminn..

Failed Letter :

We have received the following certification results for your company's candidates from Prometric:

- Berry Hamzah - 



Mod 1


Mod 2


Mod 3


He has therefore failed the examination.

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