Check this out

Sunday 31 July 2011

Windows Physical memory limit

did you ever ask about how much memory can be installed on your PC/Laptop/Server with specified Windows Operating System. ‘I did’ . So I want to share with you the answer to memory limits for supported Windows release.

you can click below to find out the detail about the limits

Sunday 24 July 2011

Orang yang mempunyai postur tubuh badan kecil biasanya lincah dan gesit, karena orang jenis ini ketika buang air besar selalu berpikir...

Quote of the day :

Orang yang mempunyai postur tubuh badan kecil biasanya lincah dan gesit, karena orang jenis ini ketika buang air besar selalu berpikir...

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Preparation for SAG exam start from today

I will have SAG (SWIFTAlliance Gateway) exam next month, and I have to get ready for this from today..

today lesson :

- Web Service Host Adapter for SWIFTAlliance Gateway.

it contains four sections :

  1. Configuring and Operating WSHA
  2. Using SSL to Secure Connections to WSHA
  3. Testing connectivity
  4. Error Guide

Friday 15 July 2011

How to Unblock Geographically Blocked sites while browsing


Sometimes, we are blocked while browsing for some websites because we are surfing the internet from indonesia. some sites restrict their visitor to block all the visitor from other countries like indonesia. Perhaps, they really think that we in indonesia is mostly a spam or fraud visitor.

I wasn't able to access some particular websites that are only available within the U.S.

I've finally been able to experience so many exciting features on thoese particular websites.

There are many way to Rome, yes it is. To view geographically blocked sites like BBC or other overseas website, you can use Strong VPN. With strong VPN, you can keep your data or any private connection you want and enjoy browsing to any sites overseas.

StrongVPN is fast and flexible.

Speed is rather fast, and the setup instructions are clear and simple. I'm very satisfied with StrongVPN so far.

Maybe you have questions why we use for VPN, I will give you some reasons as following :

- security

- you can use anonymous surfing

- be american anywhere, because while you browsing you are known as american.

- better rate for skype user, and many more.


China, Oman, Dubai, UAE, Belize ISP's block PPTP. You can always upgrade to Open VPN.

BlackBerry Playbook from XL


Price :  From Rp 4.9 million.

So many variety of benefits like Free service BlackBerry XL Full Service (3 months).

Options : Bundling with BlackBerry handsets (from USD 1.9 million-an), and 0 percent installment facility (for Mandiri Card holders).

This Blackberry Playbook available in 14 XL Center spread in Indonesia, including Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Palembang, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Makassar, and Bali.

For more details can be checked through

Why vmware ?


I have a question from my customer whether our products can run on vmware?. I started to think about vmware after, why vmware ?

IBM, SUN, Microsoft, as well as other companies, all offer technologies to define virtual machines, that allow separate operating system environments to run concurrently on one physical machine. Today, the main drivers for running business applications on virtual machines are the following:

  • Reduced maintenance effort: Maintaining each application in its own operating system environment within a virtual machine makes it much easier to upgrade different applications with different operating system requirements
  • Hardware consolidation: Using less machines, for the same number of tasks, allows a reduction of hardware and infrastructure costs
  • Improved energy efficiency: Using less machines, for the same number of tasks, reduce the energy required from the systems and to cool computer rooms.

SWIFT on vmware ?

Is SWIFT compatible on vmware ? I don’t have an idea.. no document mention that.. although its okay to install lite on vmware. The AutoClient software can be installed and operated on a system running under virtualisation  technologies that properly support USB ports.

whether its okay to run Alliance Access on vmware ?


The answers you can find in my other post here.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Try Takabisha, the Steepest Roller Coaster when you visit Japan. shows Takabisha

Takabisha roller coaster is the Steepest Roller Coaster in the world. the roller coaster can move up to 100 km/h,  the roller coaster has a 43m drop and a 121-degree freefall.

If you guys have a plan to travel to Japan, you’re not among the faint of heart, you might want to visit the Fuji-Q Highland and try this roller coaster


Fuji Q Highland invested $37 million in the development of the Takabisha. One ride takes almost 2 minutes, doyou look that 90 degree rail way on picture above. the roller coaster costs $12.50 per one way.

Spirit back blogging with keyword tool


This day with new spirit to blog. optimizing my blog post, search high paying keyword with google external tool. its known as google keyword.. Lets get it done friends… Yahooooo!!!!

To optimize the search engine availability to your blog, you need this this keyword. Oh yeah, before I explain too far, what is keyword,  do you know what I mention about keyword, keyword is like a word that many user use to search in search engine if I’m not wrong.

There are many advantage when using keyword, you can find what is high paying keyword, if you search for keyword with google keyword tool and put it in your post content, I believe that it will attract more visitor to your blog.

Keyword are words that will be placed or repeated and called several times within an article. When search engine spiders see your words and you place several times in an article, It will determine your web page may be useful for users who search for those words.

I interest to joining Google +, how about you ?

imageMy colleague in my office is now fever with google plus social network, I have joined google plus and I love this. Google Plus  has dominated headlines news in digital information. Interest to joining Google + is very high and the Google-owned social networking users has reached 10 million in just weeks!

But Google + can not be a competitor Facebook. Currently, there are  no Google + applications for the iPhone, and Google are still figuring out how to optimize Google Plus for business.

Google project is still too young, so it is no surprise to hear a lot of feature requested  from readers.
One of reader requests is Google + for Google Apps. Google is working on a number of feature requests, including the ability to set your gender to be a personal thing

Jakarta Traffic Info is now Available on Google Maps



Good news this morning, just read it from that state that Google was already providing services for the traffic information of Jakarta City . Free info can be accessed at and the Google Maps for Mobile.

Google has worked to bring the ground transportation information is accurate and comprehensive in a global mapping platform that can be accessed easily by people of Indonesia from any device. "Says Andrew McGlinchey, Head of Product, Google Southeast Asia.

"Layer traffic to Jakarta in Google Maps is an important step in helping the Indonesian people arrange their travel time with better and easier for them to plan their trips around town and at the same time reducing the burden of traffic areas as a whole."

With 3.11 million vehicles in the streets of Jakarta each day, commuters and motorists and motorcycles can now plan their trips better in the city with the help of traffic layer in Google Maps, which provide direct information about the congestion the roads in Jakarta .

To view the traffic information within Google Maps layer switch ("Traffic"), the icon can be found at the top right of the display Google Maps. The same information is available on Google Maps for Mobile, so the rider can make changes instantly if necessary route to avoid traffic. Traffic feature also lets users see forecasts of traffic conditions at different times on certain days, and on other days in the same week based on historical data.


If the riders set their phones so that Google Maps for Mobile works, GPS enabled, and the My Location feature is enabled, it will send back the items of information to Google about how fast the device is moving. When combined with anonymous data from other devices with similar capabilities, it helps Google Maps to create a better picture of traffic conditions.

"The Ministry of Transportation was pleased that Google has added traffic information directly (real time) into Google Maps," said Dr. Elly Sinaga, Director of Urban Transport System (BSTP), Directorate General of Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation.

It's certainly very useful for people in Jakarta who will now have a tool that will help them plan their trips in the city more efficiently. They can use this traffic information from their computers or cell phones to avoid unexpected delays and get to the destination faster.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

SWIFT 7 running on VMware or any other virtualization platform.

imagehello all, i just want to ask if SWIFT 7 can running well on Virtualization like vmware ? are you guys have experience on this. what is the advantage and disadvantage running SWIFT Server on vmware ?

Although virtualisation isn't officially supported by SWIFT (or wasn't last time I checked) SAG/SAA will run on VMWare server and ESX/ESXi. I use virtualised versions of them without any problems.

Well a few months ago we did ask SWIFT and the answer was neither no nor yes! officially i believe no, yet on the ground it can be!!

SWIFT states that all virtualization solutions are supported as far it the implementation is transparent. So you can very well implement SWIFT products on VMware or IBM AIX LPARs or any other known solutions in market. 

There are many existing customer in market using such virtualization solutions.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Late night plug for my blog

I'm late to this, but I blog it last night and adored it. Awesome suggestions

Top 5 BlackBerry PlayBook Apps

Jika Anda seperti saya, Anda harus sering memeriksa BlackBerry App World ™ pada BlackBerry ® Playbook ™ tablet Anda setiap hari untuk melihat jika ada aplikasi yang baru, aplikasi yang populer, dan apa yang sedang hot. Saya baru-baru ini menulis posting untuk blog BlackBerry tentang BlackBerry Playbook tablet apps ... dan tanggapan pembaca benar-benar mengagumkan dan luar biasa!

# 1 Facebook untuk BlackBerry Playbook tablet


Facebook untuk BlackBerry Playbook
Aplikasi Facebook untuk BlackBerry Playbook ® adalah aplikasi yang paling favorit untuk saya pribadi . 

# 2 Poynt untuk BlackBerry Playbook

Poynt untuk BlackBerry Playbook
Butuh rekomendasi untuk makan malam? Ingin membeli tiket film untuk kencan nanti malam? Nah, App super mengagumkan - Poynt untuk BlackBerry Playbook - ada untuk Anda. Fitur BlackBerry mengagumkan versi tablet, ini juga terintegrasi dengan Poynt pada smartphone BlackBerry Anda - memungkinkan Anda mengirim alamat restoran dan nomor telepon secara langsung ke daftar kontak Anda.

# 3 Doodle Blast

Doodle blast
# TeamBlackBerry gamer menyukai tantangan, dan ini dapat diberikann oleh Blast Doodle dari FlexibleAIR. Anda harus menggunakan keahlian Anda doodle menggambar untuk memasukkan semua kelereng ke dalam cangkir - tanpa kehabisan tinta (tidak semudah kedengarannya –!.).


# 4 Need for Speed ​​Undercover ™

Need for Speed ​​Undercover
Salah satu aplikasi yang benar-benar diinginkan  pada BlackBerry Playbook adalah aplikasi Need for Speed ​​Undercover .

# 5 GeeReader

Saya tidak terkejut dengan fakta bahwa GeeReader adalah #5 TeamBlackBerry favorit - Saya percaya ini adalah salah satu pembaca RSS terbaik , dilengkapi dengan integrasi dengan Google. Anda hanya mendaftar dengan akun Google Anda .

@itsberry is googling to find best free Help Desk software for ticket handling. any one know about it ?

image_thumb Hello,
What is the best free Help Desk software for ticket handling. There so many free open source software out there. its open source is PHP Help Desk Software allowing you to set up a Web-based ticket support system quickly and easily.  I find the list and will try one by one.


  1. osticket :
  2. Trellis :
  3. Hesk :

Hesk Features :


Customer Interface:

  • Submit new tickets
  • Attach files
  • Obtain detailed information from customers with custom fields
  • SPAM prevention
  • Suggest related knowledgebase articles before final ticket submission
  • View and rate staff replies
  • E-mail notifications of staff replies
  • Browse and search knowledgebase
  • ... And more!


  • Unlimited knowledgebase articles
  • Unlimited categories and subcategories
  • Quick and Easy search capabilities
  • Post attachments to articles
  • Count article views
  • List newest and most popular articles
  • Rate articles
  • ... And more!

Administrator/Staff interface:

  • Unlimited administrators and staff accounts
  • Restricted access to some functionalities for certain staff
  • Powerful ticket search ability
  • Assign tickets to staff
  • Manage knowledgebase categories and articles
  • Manage staff accounts
  • Canned responses (pre-written replies)
  • Customize help desk settings
  • Modify your profiles and signatures
  • Autoclose tickets after X days
  • Run reports
  • E-mail notifications of new tickets and replies
  • Customers can easily rate staff replies
  • Easy translation into any language
  • ... And more!

Monday 11 July 2011

Peranan Microsoft System Management Server dalam Mencegah Virus

Setiap Operating System memiliki vulnerabilities yang dapat mengancam keamanan system computer. Untuk itu Operating System harus di hardening dengan patch untuk menutup vulnerabilities agar terhindar dari serangan intruders dan penyebarkan virus yang dapat membuat terganggunya operasional perusahaan anda secara keseluruhan. Itu semua dapat dilakukan oleh intruders dengan meng-eksploitasi vulnerabilities yang ada di system komputer anda.

Selain telah digunakan untuk mengelola inventori hardware dan software PC, Microsoft System Management Server juga dimanfaatkan untuk deployment Microsoft Patch ke seluruh PC (desktop dan server) di kantor pusat dan kantor cabang.


Sebelum menggunakan SMS untuk deployment  patch, deployment di kantor cabang dilakukan secara manual oleh petugas yang ditunjuk, sedangkan di kantor pusat dilakukan oleh petugas IT.

Deployment patch secara manual tersebut tidak dapat dimonitor efektivitas nya sehingga pada akhir bulan lalu
sebagian PC di kantor pusat dan kantor cabang terinfeksi virus conficker. Untuk memitigasi resiko terganggunya sistem yang diakibatkan karena tidak efektifnya deployment patch, maka sejak bulan ini proses deployment patch dilakukan melalui SMS yang dilengkapi dengan fitur untuk memonitor keberhasilan deployment-nya.

Pada versi SMS Service Pack 3 (SP3), Microsoft System Management Server dilengkapi dengan fitur distribution point dan background inteligent transfer service (bits) yang berfungsi mengurangi kebutuhan bandwidth pada saat pelaksanaan deployment. Dengan fitur distribution point maka pengiriman obyek (patches/hotfixes) hanya dilakukan ke server saja, selanjutnya akan didistribusikan ke seluruh PC desktop secara local (LAN) di setiap kantor cabang.

Untuk mengoptimalkan kehandalan sistem Microsoft SMS berdasarkan hasil healthcheck dan analisis capacity planning, diperlukan perbaikan-perbaikan pada komponen sistemnya yaitu People (awareness), Tools (change management) dan Process (prosedur dan sosialisasi).

Walaupun telah dilakukan deployment update patch secara otomatis melalui Micorosft SMS Server 2003 dengan memanfaatkan Group Policy yang ada di Active Directory, dimana setiap komputer yang joint domain akan mendapat update patch yang terbaru, tetapi keyataannya tidak semua komputer mendapat update patch yang terbaru. Ini disebabkan tidak terinstalnya agent client Microsoft System Management Server di komputer tersebut.

Deployment update patch sangat tergantung dengan sudah terinstalnya agent client SMS di komputer. Untuk
itu partisipasi dari user diperlukan untuk memastikan apakah komputer yang digunakan telah terinstal agent
client Microsoft System Management Server. Cara untuk memastikan komputer anda telah terinstal agent client Microsoft SMS dapat dilihat pada tips dan trik pada post its-berry yang lalu .

SWIFT on vmware ?

Is SWIFT compatible on vmware ? I don’t have an idea.. no document mention that.. although its okay to install lite on vmware. The AutoClient software can be installed and operated on a system running under virtualisation
technologies that properly support USB ports.
whether its okay to run Alliance Access on vmware ?

The answers you can find in my other post here.

Mudah Mengelola PC & Server dengan Microsoft SMS

sms microsoftKebutuhan perangkat PC (hardware dan software) di perusahaan mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan sejalan dengan pertumbuhan bisnis. Untuk memonitor inventori hardware dan software yang terinstal pada populasi PC tersebut perusahaan telah mengimplementasikan tools Microsoft Server Management Sistem 2003 (Microsoft SMS) melalui inisiatif SMS Server Optimization.

Microsoft SMS dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memonitor status hardware PC (processor, memory, harddisk) di kantor pusat dan kantor cabang. Microsoft System Management Server (SMS) merupakan sistem yang digunakan untuk pengelolaan resources PC Server dan PC Client secara terpusat (centralized). Secara umum tools Microsoft SMS memiliki 4 (empat) fungsi utama, yaitu; inventory (hardware dan software), software deployment, remote desktop (helpdesk) dan software metering. Saat ini telah memanfaatkan 2 fungsi, yaitu inventory dan software deployment.

Asset Inventory
Melalui fungsi inventori dapat diketahui kondisi (spesifikasi) dari populasi  hardware dan software yang terinstal
sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk perhitungan kebutuhan lisensi software atau untuk keperluan peremajaan
PC. Fungsi software deployment digunakan sebagai patches/hotfixes deployment untuk menutup “security holes” yang biasanya dimanfaatkan oleh virus komputer atau hacker.

microsoft-systems-management-server-2003-administrators-companion-by-steven-d-kaczmarekSebagai sistem inventori, Microsoft SMS juga dapat digunakan untuk memantau dan memberikan laporan inventori hardware dan software antara lain untuk Hardware: merek, tipe & kecepatan processor, kapasitas RAM, kapasitas storage dan untuk Software: operating system, service pack, hotfix, software terinstall, ukuran file.

Fitur inventori yang diimplementasikan  dimanfaatkan  untuk keperluan monitoring status hardware PC Windows (processor, memory, harddisk) pada sistem terpasang, yang telah dimanfaatkan sebagai pedoman dalam melakukan peremajaan sistem secara terencana dan memantau compliance terhadap penggunaan lisensi software, khususnya lisensi Microsoft .

Software Deployment
Fungsi software deployment pada Microsoft SMS terutama dimanfaatkan untuk men-deploy Microsoft patches dan security hotfix secara tersentralisasi. Deployment software pada Microsoft SMS memanfaatkan fitur distribution point untuk mendeploy software ke lokasi-lokasi dengan bandwidth jaringan yang terbatas.

Dengan memanfaatkan fitur software deployment, diperoleh keuntungan deployment patches dan hotfixes software Microsoft baik sistem operasi Windows maupun aplikasi lainnya dapat dimonitor statusnya sehingga
lebih dapat dijamin efektivitasnya.

Selain itu, sistem SMS juga dilengkapi dengan fitur distribution point sehingga pengiriman obyek (patches atau hotfixes) cukup dilakukan satu kali saja, ke server di kantor cabang, dan selanjutnya obyek akan didistribusikan kepada seluruh PC klien secara lokal. Dengan fitur ini, kebutuhan bandwidth yang diperlukan pada saat proses deployment dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan bandwidth eksisting secara lebih optimal.

Topics : fitur Microsoft System Management Server (SMS) , kegunaan Microsoft System Management Server (SMS), konfigurasi Microsoft System Management Server (SMS), license Microsoft System Management Server (SMS) , managing Microsoft System Management Server (SMS)


sms microsoftSalah satu komponen sistem yang diperlukan untuk mendukung pencapaian target unit bisnis adalah perangkat PC. Populasi PC (server dan desktop) di terus meningkat sejalan dengan perkembangan usaha dan unit kerja.

Perangkat PC dimaksud dimanfaatkan untuk melayani customer sehingga kinerjanya harus dijaga karena setiap gangguan pada perangkat PC akan berdampak pada kualitas layanan kepada customer . Sistem yang diperlukan untuk memonitor asset inventory PC dan deployment patch adalah sistem manajemen PC (server dan desktop) yang diimplementasikan di dengan memanfaatkan software Microsoft System Management Server (SMS) 2003. Sistem dimaksud terinstal sejak bulan december 2010 dan telah dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan inventory software (untuk perhitungan kebutuhan lisensi software Microsoft) dan hardware (untuk perhitungan peremajaan PC).


Topic related: Microsoft System Management Server, kegunaan Microsoft System Management Server, konfigurasi Microsoft System Management Server, error Microsoft System Management Server, ujian Microsoft System Management Server.

Adsense from google search engine only

For wordpress, to display your adsense only for visitor who came from search engine only. put this script on your file :

- In singe.php :

<?php if (function_exists('scratch99_fromasearchengine')) { if (scratch99_fromasearchengine()) { { ?>
    <br />
    <div align="center">
    <script type="text/javascript"><!--
    google_ad_client = "pub-3235367747851602";
    /* 728x90, created 6/23/09 */
    google_ad_slot = "6373321225";
    google_ad_width = 728;
    google_ad_height = 90;
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <?php }}else { ?>
    <?php }} ?>

- Put the function :

function scratch99_fromasearchengine(){
  $ref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
  $SE = array('/search?', '', '', 'search.', '', '', '/search/', '.yahoo.');
  foreach ($SE as $source) {
    if (strpos($ref,$source)!==false) return true;
  return false;

Sunday 10 July 2011

Photoshop Trick–Selective Color


New photoshop trick that I’ve learned form my girl. it is used to grow selective color.

  • Press Ctrl + J : To duplicate the layer
  • Click image – Auto tone
  • Click image – Auto Contrast


  • Click Image –adjustments – Selective Color


  • Pick Colors and adjust it (Black + white)


Result :

berry 7b

Thursday 7 July 2011

Global Tier

A customer just asked me about the Global Tier on SWIFT. he asked what Global Tier is . I said, I have no idea. wait in a bit. I will  search it on the document.

Global Tier definition.

The global tier is an index, ranging from 1 to 20, that is assigned to each financial institution.
The global tier of a financial institution reflects the aggregated invoiced fees for the eligible services of that financial institution.

The global tier is used to determine the traffic and usage prices for the majority of SWIFT services. This is the case for, amongst other services, the FIN service, InterAct, FileAct, and various Solutions.

Global Tier calculation

The global tier is calculated based on a financial institution's aggregated Network-based Invoice. The Network-based Invoice is the sum of the amounts invoiced to all SWIFT users that are part of the financial institution for the usage of the network-based SWIFT services (traffic) over the previous 12-month period. The rolling 12-month period alleviates the impact of seasonal effects and traffic anomalies.

For financial institutions that subscribed to the Fixed Fee for Messaging Programme, the global tier calculation is not based on the Fixed Fee but will be based on the actual traffic valued at the then current price list.


Tuesday 5 July 2011

Memastikan PC Terinstal Agent SMS

smsUntuk melihat apakah komputer anda sudah terinstal Microsoft SMS agent atau belum caranya :

Klik Start, klik control Panel ( Klik Start, Setting , Control Panel ), kalau ada System Management, berarti agent pernah diinstall kalau tidak ada berarti belum diinstal. Tetapi walaupun SMS agent sudah terinstal belum tentu terinstal dengan benar untuk memastikan bahwa instalasi agent berhasil double klik System Management. Bila berhasil dengan baik akan tampak seperti Gambar 1 :


Gambar 1 : Terlihat ada SMS Site Code = SMS: PC1


Gambar 2 : Tidak ada ada SMS Site Code

Bagaimana komputer anda mendapat IP Address sebagai pengenal di Jaringan?

Seperti dengan rumah kita yang mempunyai alamat ada di jalan apa dan nomor berapa, komputer juga mempunyai pengenal sebagai alamatnya. Alamat dari komputer anda ini biasa dikenal dengan IP address. IP address merupakan alamat dari komputer agar dapat dikenali di dalam jaringan yang berisi angka – angka tertentu. Sebenarnya dari mana asal IP address yang ada di komputer anda, komputer mendapatkan IP Address dengan 2 cara yaitu :

1. Statik IP Address
IP address didapat komputer dengan cara diberikan secara manual sesuai dengan jaringan kantor anda agar komputer anda dapat dikenali di jaringan kantor anda, misalnya Pada jaringan pembagian IP address disesuaikan dengan Cabang dan dilakukan dengan cara static IP address. Untuk pembuatan IP Address di komputer anda klik Start, klik Control Panel, double klik Connection, double klik Local Area Connection, klik Properties, pilih Internet Protocol, klik Properties, klik Use the Following IP address lalu masukan IP addressnya atau dengan cara klik Start, klik Run, ketikan ncpa.cpl, double klik Local Area Connection, klik Properties, pilih Internet Protocol, klik Properties, klik Use the Following IP address lalu masukan IP addressnya.

Global Network

2. Dinamik IP Address
IP address di dapat oleh komputer dengan cara otomatis dari DHCP server, dimana komputer berfungsi sebagai DHCP client. Untuk mendapatkan IP Address secara otomatis dengan cara klik Start, klik Run, ketikan ncpa.cpl, double klik Local Area Connection, klik Properties, pilih Internet Protocol, klik Properties, klik Obtain an IP address Automatically. Kalau ada DHCP server, IP address akan otomatis diberikan oleh DHCP server jika tidak ada DHCP server IP address otomatis diberikan 169.254.x.x atau yang biasa dikenal sebagai APIPA ( automatic Private IP address ) namun jika komputer anda mempunyai IP address seperti ini maka komputer anda tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan komputer lain yang ada dijaringan local perusahaan anda apalagi jika ingin berinternet

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