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Monday 13 August 2012

Find suitable fit internet TV for you

Why pay over $80 a month for cable or satellite TV. Turn Your Computer Into a Cable TV Network On Your PC. I wrote this article to assist you to find important information concerning how to watch TV online, specified products and services that will then help individuals determine if those specific products and services are in fact a suitable fit for you.

Please read carefully and compare it before you decide the suitable internet TV  provider for you.

1. Satellite Direct
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Saturday 11 August 2012

Free download all in one 100 blogger templates

Hi Bloger, here is the list of 100 google blogger templates that you can free download  blogspot templates and try it one by one and choose one template that suit with your blog.

I have already download blogspot templates from many blogger templates provider and put it in one download. Have fun with templates.

  1. Black Splat
  2. Elle
  3. Creative Art
  4. Elegance
  5. Masinop
  6. Zinmag Remedy
  7. Firebug
  8. Angel
  9. Japan Style
  10. Keep It Simple
  11. Revolution Church
  12. My ScrapBlog
  13. Codigo Geek
  14. Desk Mess
  15. Seabreeze
  16. Unqua
  17. Box Transparent 2.0
  18. MusicPlus
  19. Anak Piit
  20. Blue Dream
  21. iTech
  22. EducationBlog
  23. Simples 2.0
  24. SimpleMagazine
  25. FireGames
  26. TheCars
  27. iSoft
  28. Brown Black Uniqx
  29. Box Transparent
  30. Lugada
  31. WPZine
  32. Lugas
  33. Elite Classic
  34. MxS
  35. StylishGreen
  36. MovieBox
  37. Bello
  38. Personified
  39. Learner
  40. RadioRock
  41. TravelSite
  42. Lifetime
  43. Extreme Surfing
  44. Brand Magz
  45. CelebritiesBlog
  46. Wp Launcher Black
  47. MetroBTK
  48. ElegantZine
  49. Clear Theme
  50. Axis
  51. Simples Azul
  52. Boston
  53. DarknessBlog
  54. Align
  55. Darkgamer
  56. Blucent
  57. Milk Blue
  58. SuvMax
  59. Legit
  60. Simon WP Framework
  61. San Kloud
  62. eCars
  63. Embodied
  64. Shoppica
  65. Baby cannot you see
  66. Sens
  67. PhotoTravelBlog
  68. ADSimple
  69. Purwakarta
  70. Casual Affair
  71. Business Solutions
  72. Business Solutions Purple
  73. Vostok
  74. SoccerBlog
  75. proStyle
  76. Italian Food
  77. HouseEstate
  78. AutoNews
  79. VeryMinimal
  80. ProTheatre
  81. White on Blur
  82. Cuttlefish
  83. CarMod
  84. Rotten Wood
  85. Silhouette
  86. Bamz Magazine
  87. X10 Masonry Transparent
  88. X10 Masonry Dark
  89. X10 Masonry White
  90. X10 Masonry Red
  91. X9 Function Shadow
  92. TravelPro
  93. Super Master
  94. Online Marketer
  95. CarsRace
  96. TravelWP
  97. O-Beat
  98. Gossip Show
  99. Notch
  100. Vintage Camera 
Adsimple blogger template 225x128 Align blogger template 225x128 X10 masonry white blogger template 225x128
Autonews blogger template 225x128 Bamz magazine blogger template 225x128 Bello blogger template 225x128 
Blucent blogger template 225x128 Blue dream blogger template 225x128 Boston blogger template 225x128 
Box transparent 2 0 blogger template 225x128 Box transparent blogger template 225x128 Brand magz blogger template 225x128 
Brown black uniqx blogger template 225x128 Business solutions blogger template 225x128 Business solutions purple blogger template 225x128 
Carmod blogger template 225x128 Casino nights blogger template 225x128 Casual affair blogger template 225x128 
Celebritiesblog blogger template 225x128 Clear theme blogger template 225x128 Cuttlefish blogger template 225x128 
Darkgamer blogger template 225x128 Darknessblog blogger template 225x128 Ecars blogger template 225x128 
Educationblog blogger template 225x128 Elegantzine blogger template 225x128 Embodied blogger template 225x128 
Extreme surfing blogger template 225x128 Firegames blogger template 225x128 Gossip show blogger template 225x128 
Houseestate blogger template 225x128 Isoft blogger template 225x128 Italian food blogger template 225x128 
Itech blogger template 225x128 Learner blogger template 225x128 Legit blogger template 225x128 
Lifetime blogger template 225x128 Lugada blogger template 225x128 Lugas blogger template 225x128 
Metrobtk blogger template 225x128 Milk blue blogger template 225x128 Minimalist blogger template 225x128 
Moviebox blogger template 225x128 Musicplus blogger template 225x128 Mxs blogger template 225x128 
My life blogger template 225x128 Notch blogger template 225x128 O beat blogger template 225x128 
Personified blogger template 225x128 Phototravelblog blogger template 225x128 Prostyle blogger template 225x128 
Protheatre blogger template 225x128 Purwakarta blogger template 225x128 Radiorock blogger template 225x128 
Rotten wood blogger template 225x128 San kloud blogger template 225x128 Sens blogger template 225x128 
Shoppica blogger template 225x128 Simon wp framework blogger template 225x128 Simplemagazine blogger template 225x128 
 Simples 2 0 blogger template 225x128Simples azul blogger template 225x128 Simply delicious blogger template 225x128 
Soccerblog blogger template 225x128 Stylishgreen blogger template 225x128 Super master blogger template 225x128 
Suvmax blogger template 225x128 Thecars blogger template 225x128 Travelpro blogger template 225x128 
Travelsite blogger template 225x128 Travelwp blogger template 225x128 Veryminimal blogger template 225x128 
Vintage camera blogger template 225x128 Weightloss blogger template 225x128 Wp launcher black blogger template 225x128 
Wpzine blogger template 225x128 X9 function shadow blogger template 225x128 X10 masonry dark blogger template 225x128 
X10 masonry red blogger template 225x128 X10 masonry transparent blogger template 225x128 Anak piit blogger template 225x128 

To Change your blogspot template after you download blogspot themes:

To backup or download your Blogger template

    1. Sign in to your Blogger account
    2. Navigate to 'Template'
    3. On the top right hand corner, select 'Backup / Restore'
    4. Select 'Download full template' to Backup first your template


  1. Choose a location on your computer to save the xml file
  2. Select 'Save'

To upload a new template for your Blogger

    1. Extract template that you want to use
    2. Sign in to your Blogger account
    3. Navigate to 'Template'
    4. On the top right hand corner, select 'Backup / Restore'
    5. Browse to where you have saved the xml file


  1. Select 'Upload'

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