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Saturday, 1 December 2012

Exam preparation (70-687) - Transfer your data and current settings from an old computer to a new computer with Windows 8.

If you bought a new Windows 8–based computer or device, you might be interested in moving your data and settings from your older computer. If you have used an earlier version of Windows on your previous computer, you can use one of many tools to do this job.

One of the best available tools is the free Windows Easy Transfer tool Microsoft has provided since Windows XP. You make a backup of your data and settings and then restore that backup on your new Windows 8–based computer or device.

Transferring your data to windows 8 with windows easy transfer

Windows Easy Transfer is a tool that was first introduced with Windows XP; it enables users to switch files and settings between Windows-based computers or devices. You can use this tool to migrate your files and settings to Windows 8 from previous versions of Windows or from other Windows 8 installations.

If you have upgraded to Windows 8 from an earlier version of Windows on the same computer or device, you don’t need to use this tool because your data and settings have been migrated.

If you purchased a new computer or device with Windows 8 and you want to transfer files and settings from your old computer to the new one, Windows Easy Transfer is the tool for the job.

The tool can transfer items by using an Easy Transfer cable (a USB-to-USB connection cable), a network connection, or an external hard disk drive or USB flash drive. The external hard disk drive is the most useful device for making such transfers. Not only are external hard disks affordable, but they also have plenty of space and can be used to migrate items between computers that are not in the same network or in the same physical location

First, back up your data by using Windows Easy Transfer on the old computer or device. This data is stored in a file with the .mig extension (for migration). The file is password protected to make sure unauthorized people cannot use it.

On the computer or device to which you want to transfer your data, select the same file and type the password you have set.

Before transferring your data to the new computer or device, you can customize the items that will be migrated. By default, Windows Easy Transfer will transfer all the data included in the migration file. If you click or tap Customize, you can select the type of items you want transferred. Clicking or tapping Advanced gives you even more precise control over the items to be transferred.

Clicking or tapping Advanced Options opens a new window, in which you can set how you want to map user accounts between computers or how you want to map drives.

At the end of the transfer, you can close the Windows Easy Transfer window, or you can access two reports.
▪ See What Was Transferred Shows a summary of the items that were transferred to the new computer or device.
▪ See A List Of Apps You Might Want To Install On Your New PC Shows a list of applications installed on the old computer that are not installed on the new computer or device. You can use this list as a guide for which apps to install on your new Windows 8–based computer or device.

Windows Easy Transfer can't transfer files from a 64-bit version of Windows to a 32-bit version of Windows. If you're transferring from a 64-bit version of Windows Vista to a 32-bit version of Windows 7, you can move your files manually or use Backup and Restore in Windows Vista.

If you're transferring from a 64-bit version of Windows XP, you'll need to move your files manually. 

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