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Friday, 1 March 2013

Basic Cisco router configuration commands

Part 1
Using the commands on the router:
  • show version
  • show ip interface brief (or show interface)
Answer the following questions:
1. Router name:
2. Router type:
3. IOS version:
4. Memory amount:
5. Flash ROM amount:
6. Number and types of interfaces:

Part 2
Part 3
Set up a new  IP address, mask and Default Gateway  on each  WG PC
  • Each WG should decide which IP addresses will be used (from each subnet) for PC to router connection and for router to router connection . 
  • Start -> Settings -> Control panel -> Network -> TCP/IP Ethernet… -> Properties -> IP address and Gateway
Part 4
Displaying the configurations
      Enter privilege mode (enable)
     Display the configuration saved in NVRAM (show config)
     Display the running configuration (show running-config)

Setting and changing the configuration
      Enter the configuration mode (conf term)
     Change the router name (hostname)
     Exit the privilege mode (CTRL-Z), you are back in Privileged mode!
     Save the configuration (copy running-config startup-config)

Setting the passwords (REMEMBER YOUR PASSWORD)
      Enter the configuration mode (conf term)
     Specify virtual terminal lines you would like to configure (line vty 0 4)
     Request login authentication (login)
     Set a password for the exec mode (password my_password)
     Set a password for the privileged (enable secret my_password)
     Exit the privilege mode (CTRL-Z), you are back in Privileged mode!
Configuring the interface
     Enter the configuration mode (conf term)
     Select first ethernet interface 
     (interface ethernet - you got all the types of interfaces from part 1 task – for example Interface Ethernet0/0)
     Select the ip address and subnet mask (ip address your_IP_address  mask )
     Enable the interface (no shut)
     Exit the privilege mode (CTRL-Z), you are back in Privileged mode!
Checking router status and IP connectivity
      Check host connectivity (ping connected_PC_ip_address)
     Check host reachability (trace connected_PC_ip_address)
     Check status of an interface (show interface eth?)
     Display debug information (debug ip icmp)
     Disable debug information (undebug all)
Part 5
 Establishing router to router connectivity:
 Configuring the Serial interface:
  Enter the configuration mode (conf term)
     Select first Serial interface 
    (interface Serial - you got all the types of interfaces from part 1 task – for example Interface Serial0)
     Select the ip address and subnet mask (ip address your_IP_address  mask )
      Find out which Serial interface got connected DCE and which DTE CISCO cable
·        DTE (Data Terminal Equipment – MALE conector)
·        DCE (Data Communication Equipment – FEMALE connector)
      On Serial Interface with DCE cable enable line CLOCK by entering the command:
·        clock rate 1000000
      Enable the interface (no shut)
     Exit the privilege mode (CTRL-Z), you are back in Privileged mode!
  Connect DTE and DCE cable
  Checking router status and IP connectivity
      Check neighbor router connectivity (ping connected_router_ip_address)
     Check status of an interface (show interface serial?)
 Provide routers  with info where other (not directly connected) subnets  are by configuring static routes on each router:
 The command is:
 ip route <subnet> <subnet_mask> <next_hop_IP_address>
 ·        <subnet> is the subnet used for router-to-PC connection on the neighbor router
or the subnet between next two routers
·        <next_hop_IP_address> is IP address of  serial interface on the neighbor router
 Check  connectivity  (ping) from your PC to all other PC’s in your WG
·        open DOS window  (Start -> Programs -> DOS)
·        ping host_ip_address
 Check  reachibility (traceroute) from your PC to all other PS’s in your WG
·        open DOS window (Start -> Programs -> DOS)
·        tracert host_ip_address
Part 6  (optional)
 Connect your network to other WG network (by Ethernet or Serial connection):
·        decide which subnet will be used for interconnection
·        configure static routes to other subnets
·        Check  connectivity  (ping) from your PC to all other PC’s (in others WG)
·        Check  reachibility (traceroute) from your PC to all other PS’s (in others WG)


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