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Monday, 13 June 2011

Giving up isn't always the best solution

Blogging is supposed to be enjoyable. This means that all the frustration and misery you go through while blogging isn't required for your success. It means that the minute you hate blogging, quit.

Blogging takes time. Everyone including my girl  complains about the lack of time. Every task related to blogging seems to take forever if you don't know how to manage your time. Note to self: what about that schedule you were talking about?

love its-berryBlogging strictly for money is dull, dull dull, I imagine. But like others, I'm keeping my blog as a hobby! :)

Blogging is fun, but sometimes you just need a break! It's no fun when you work yourself to death over a single article—and while I love writing, sometimes it can get tiring.

Blogging is so much more than writing! And that's what I have trouble with too, because there are so many aspects of blogging and it's hard for me to focus on all of them. But, as the saying goes, practice makes perfect. I think the same goes for blogging

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