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Tuesday 9 August 2011

Web Certificates with O2M

Things has to remembered :

- Web certificates can either be web browser or web server certificates.

- Web servers cannot be registered with the SWIFTNet Online Operations Manager. The registration is carried out by SWIFT.

- There is no automatic renewal process for web certificates

- You can have access to the User and Web Certs tab and manage user and web certificates if you have one of the following roles:



- You can have access to the SNL Certs tab and manage SWIFTNet Link certificates if you have one of the following roles:


- Messaging on O2M (Routing rules Management)

Routing rules determine to which queue or SWIFTNet Link endpoint SWIFT delivers traffic.
Each receiver defines its own routing rules. Users define these routing rules when they subscribe to a service, and SWIFT stores the rules in the central SWIFTNet systems.
For real-time traffic, users can define up to four endpoints per rule. Only one endpoint at a time can be active. Users can change which endpoint is currently active as long as it is one of the predefined endpoints for the rule.

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