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Saturday, 28 July 2012

Your blog contains Warning: Missing required field "updated". blogspot Warning: Missing required hCard author from Rich Snippets Testing Tool

When you try to scan your blog page using Rich Snippets Testing Tool from google, your find that your blog contains some warning like i have below
Warning: Missing required field "updated". blogspot Warning: Missing required hCard "author".
I removed hfeed and hentry from my template.  To do this go to template section of of your blog and click on edit HTML.

Now search for hfeed in the template. You will get it two times. It will be something like this <div class='blog-posts hfeed'> just remove hfeed. You will now have something like <div class='blog-posts'>.
Next search for hentry. You will get <div class='post hentry'> and <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template'>. Remove hentry from both so that you get <div class='post'> and <div class='post uncustomized-post-template'>.


  1. Will this not create more problems? the hfeed and hentry perform a function for your template.

    why remove them because of one error..


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